FIU NUR3666 2019 October Group Discussion 6 Latest

Question # 00742441 Posted By: dr.tony Updated on: 11/02/2019 05:27 AM Due on: 11/02/2019
Subject Communications Topic General Communications Tutorials:
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NUR3666 Evidence-Based Nursing and Research in Global Health Care

Group Discussion 6

Initial post due Saturday:

Retrieve the following full-text article from the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature or similar search database:

Tucker, J., Cheong, J., Chandler, S., Crawford, S., & Simpson, C. (2015). Social networks and substance use among at-risk emerging adults living in disadvantaged urban areas in the southern United States: A cross-sectional naturalistic study. Addiction Research Report, 110, 1524–1532.

Review the article, looking for evidence of any ethical or legal issues that arose in the study and how the researchers dealt with them. Answer the following appraisal questions after reading this research article:

What is the population for this study?

What was the sampling method used? Why did the authors select this technique?

Did this sampling method meet the criteria for a probability sample? Does it meet the criteria for independence?

What are indications that the sample size is adequate for this study?

What are the weaknesses of the way this sample was drawn? How did the authors attempt to compensate for these weaknesses?

In your opinion, can the sample be expected to represent the population? Are these findings generalizable?

How strong is the evidence generated from this study?

How could a public health nurse use the evidence generated from this study?

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