FIU NUR3666 2019 October Group Discussion 1 Latest
NUR3666 Evidence-Based Nursing and Research in Global Health Care
Group Discussion 1
How to run an effective journal club - a systematic review (PDF)Preview the document
The Flipped Journal Club (PDF)Preview the document
Another Time, Another Space (PDF)Preview the document
Nursing Journal Clubs-A Literature Review (PDF)Preview the document
Supplemental reading for your Journal Club Policies & Procedures
Initial post due Saturday: Journal Club Group Policies & Procedures
The objectives of the Journal Club Group Discussions are to:
Introduce clinical and biomedical research, including best practice clinical guidelines;
Keep current with new research and use evidence-based practice to guide nursing care;
Develop skills in your ability to read and critically appraise research;
Facilitate your learning of evidence-based practice, which can the bridge gaps between research and clinical practice; and
Promote collaboration, team building, and professional discussions.
Journal Club Groups will meet virtually through your Canvas Journal Club discussion posts. Assignments are linked to the journal articles for review including quizzes.
Each group will initiate their own Journal Club Group Policies & Procedures and post names and dates [for questions 1-2] this week for each of the following:
Designate (or volunteer) to serve as the group discussion leader - one each week [8 in total]; leader will facilitate the discussions (designate the day and time for the virtual meetings, use any mode of communication within the group as long as each member posts on canvas as directed for the grade, designate due dates for responses within the group). Group leader will respond to their own assigned discussion question [if needed] AND in a separate/last post provide a brief (2-3 sentences) synopsis of the group's discussion about the review article. Partial credit if missing any responses.
Designate (or volunteer) one member each week [8 in total] to search for the article and share with the group.
Each member is responsible for reading the review article, posting their response to the discussion questions, and responding to 2 other posts about the review article. Answers to discussion questions follow the weekly modules, readings and quizzes. Use this post to ask and answer group members' questions.
Solution: FIU NUR3666 2019 October Group Discussion 1 Latest