FIU NUR3666 2019 October All Group Discussions Latest

Question # 00742444 Posted By: dr.tony Updated on: 11/02/2019 05:32 AM Due on: 11/02/2019
Subject Communications Topic General Communications Tutorials:
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NUR3666 Evidence-Based Nursing and Research in Global Health Care

Group Discussion 1

How to run an effective journal club - a systematic review (PDF)Preview the document

The Flipped Journal Club (PDF)Preview the document

Another Time, Another Space (PDF)Preview the document

Nursing Journal Clubs-A Literature Review (PDF)Preview the document

Supplemental reading for your Journal Club Policies & Procedures

Initial post due Saturday: Journal Club Group Policies & Procedures

The objectives of the Journal Club  Group Discussions are to:

Introduce clinical and biomedical research, including best practice clinical guidelines;

Keep current with new research and use evidence-based practice to guide nursing care;

Develop skills in your ability to read and critically appraise research;

Facilitate your learning of evidence-based practice, which can the bridge gaps between research and clinical practice; and

Promote collaboration, team building, and professional discussions.

Journal Club Groups will meet virtually through your Canvas Journal Club discussion posts. Assignments are linked to the journal articles for review including quizzes.

Each group will initiate their own Journal Club Group Policies & Procedures and post names and dates [for questions 1-2] this week for each of the following:

Designate (or volunteer) to serve as the group discussion leader - one each week [8 in total]; leader will facilitate the discussions (designate the day and time for the virtual meetings, use any mode of communication within the group as long as each member posts on canvas as directed for the grade, designate due dates for responses within the group). Group leader will respond to their own assigned discussion question [if needed] AND in a separate/last post provide a brief (2-3 sentences) synopsis of the group's discussion about the review article. Partial credit if missing any responses.

Designate (or volunteer) one member each week [8 in total] to search for the article and share with the group.

Each member is responsible for reading the review article, posting their response to the discussion questions, and responding to 2 other posts about the review article.  Answers to discussion questions follow the weekly modules, readings and quizzes. Use this post to ask and answer group members' questions.






NUR3666 Evidence-Based Nursing and Research in Global Health Care

Group Discussion 2

Each student will answer all questions, then read 2 other student's answers from their group and post a response.

Initial post due Saturday:

You are a student nurse at an acute care facility who has enrolled in a BSN program. One of the key messages presented by the program is the importance of evidence-based nursing practice.

In your first course in the program, you are asked to locate a policy or procedure at your worksite or clinical site. Answer the following questions:

What is the last revision date of the policy or procedure?

What evidence is documented to support the policy or procedure?

How does the evidence avoid “the way we have always done it” method of nursing care?

If you are responsible for updating this policy or procedure, what steps would you take to use the most current evidence-based literature?

Search online for clinical practice guidelines applicable to your EBP topic. Some of the sites you may find are as follows:

American Association of Neuroscience Nurses (Links to an external site (Links to an external site.)

National Guidelines Clearinghouse (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

Emergency Nurses Association (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)(Links to an external site.)(Links to an external site.)

tered Nurse Association of Ontario (Links to an external site.)

6. Have you used any of the guidelines before?

7.Do you intend to use one or more as a resource after graduation.

8. Identify and discuss potential opportunities for you to use EBP in your current clinical setting.

9. Identify and discuss barriers to implementing EBP in your clinical setting.

10. Which type of activities would you carry out to aid in the selection of this topic?


NUR3666 Evidence-Based Nursing and Research in Global Health Care

Group Discussion 3

Initial post due Saturday:

Retrieve the following full-text article from the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature or similar search database:DeGrazia, M., Giambanco, D., Hamn, G., Ditzel, A., Tucker, L., &Gauvreau, K. (2015) Prevention of deformational plagiocephaly in hospitalized infants using a new orthotic device. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing, 44(1), 28–41.

Review the article, looking for evidence of any ethical or legal issues that arose in the study and how the researchers dealt with them. Answer the following appraisal questions after reading this research article:

In which ways are the subjects in this study vulnerable? Which protections should be put in place to protect these subjects from harm?

Identify the potential risks inherent in this study for the subjects. What should specifically be included in the informed consent for this study?

What evidence is provided by the authors that the study was reviewed by the IRB and that appropriate informed consent was obtained?

How do the authors minimize the risks to the subjects?

In your opinion, do the potential benefits of this treatment outweigh the potential risks to the infant? Why or why not?


NUR3666 Evidence-Based Nursing and Research in Global Health Care

Group Discussion 4

Initial post due Saturday:

Retrieve the following full-text article from the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature or similar search database:

Saadatmand, V., Rejeh, N., Heravi-Karimooi, M., Tadrisis, S., Vaismoradi, M., & Jordan, S. (2015) Effects of natural sounds on pain: A randomized controlled trial with patients receiving mechanical ventilation support. Pain Management Nursing, 16(4), 483–492.

Review the article, looking for evidence of any ethical or legal issues that arose in the study and how the researchers dealt with them. Answer the following appraisal questions after reading this research article:

Identify the inferential tests that were used in the analyses of data in this study. How are they appropriate for the research questions?

List the variables that were measured by the researchers. For each, identify the level of measurement represented by the variable.

The authors note that the visual analog scale may be considered a continuous (i.e. interval) measurement scale. Look up a visual analog scale and indicate if you agree or disagree with the authors; provide your rationale.

Review the demographic characteristics of the samples. Do you agree that the groups were statistically similar? Why or why not? Was each demographic variable reported with the appropriate summary statistic?

Which inferential test was conducted to determine if the intervention made a difference between groups? Was this the appropriate test to use? Why or why not?

Discuss whether the authors use tables and graphs appropriately to represent the data. How could the results reported in the tables be clearer?

Do the authors draw appropriate conclusions? Are the data overinterpreted, underinterpreted, or appropriately reported in the discussion and conclusion sections? 

NUR3666 Evidence-Based Nursing and Research in Global Health Care

Group Discussion 5

Initial post due Saturday:

Retrieve the following full-text article from the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature or similar search database:

Zamanzadeh, V., Jasemi, M., Valizadeh, L., Keogh, B., &Taleghani, F. (2015). Effective factors in providing holistic care: A qualitative study. Indian Journal of Palliative Care, 21 (2), 214–224.

Review the article, looking for evidence of any ethical or legal issues that arose in the study and how the researchers dealt with them. Answer the following appraisal questions after reading this research article:

What is the specific design used for this research study? Was the design explicit in the article? Would you describe it in the same way?

What was the sample for this study? How were the subjects selected for recruitment?

Describe the data collection strategies. Were these appropriate for the study objectives?

Describe the procedure used for analysis. In what ways did this approach support the credibility and trustworthiness of the results?

Was the coding scheme emergent or predetermined?

What was appropriate about the reporting format? How could it have been strengthened?

Appraise the strength of this research as evidence for practice. In what ways could these findings be applied to nursing care?


NUR3666 Evidence-Based Nursing and Research in Global Health Care

Group Discussion 6

Initial post due Saturday:

Retrieve the following full-text article from the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature or similar search database:

Tucker, J., Cheong, J., Chandler, S., Crawford, S., & Simpson, C. (2015). Social networks and substance use among at-risk emerging adults living in disadvantaged urban areas in the southern United States: A cross-sectional naturalistic study. Addiction Research Report, 110, 1524–1532.

Review the article, looking for evidence of any ethical or legal issues that arose in the study and how the researchers dealt with them. Answer the following appraisal questions after reading this research article:

What is the population for this study?

What was the sampling method used? Why did the authors select this technique?

Did this sampling method meet the criteria for a probability sample? Does it meet the criteria for independence?

What are indications that the sample size is adequate for this study?

What are the weaknesses of the way this sample was drawn? How did the authors attempt to compensate for these weaknesses?

In your opinion, can the sample be expected to represent the population? Are these findings generalizable?

How strong is the evidence generated from this study?

How could a public health nurse use the evidence generated from this study?


NUR3666 Evidence-Based Nursing and Research in Global Health Care

Group Discussion 7

Initial post due Saturday:

Retrieve the following full-text article from the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature or similar search database:

Aurore, T., Deltombe, T., Wannez, S., Gosseries, O., Ziegler, E., Dieni, C., . . .Laureys, S. (2015). Impact of soft splints on upper limb spasticity in chronic patients with disorders of consciousness: A randomized, single-blind, controlled trial. Brain Injury, 29, 7–8, 830–836. doi:10.3109/02699052.2015.1005132

Review the article, looking for evidence of any ethical or legal issues that arose in the study and how the researchers dealt with them. Answer the following appraisal questions after reading this research article:

This study was a “single-blind” randomized trial. How does this differ from a double-blind study? Which kind of bias might it introduce into the study

The sample was recruited from two different physical sites and levels of care. Which kind of bias might this introduce into the study?

There were considerable inclusion and exclusion criteria for sample selection. What element of potential bias did each address?

How did the protocol protect against researcher bias?

How did the researchers isolate the effects of each treatment? Which controls were in place to ensure any differences attributable to a specific treatment?

Which other explanations can you think of for the differences between groups exclusive of the treatment?

Describe your level of comfort using these results as evidence for practice. How might these results be applied to nursing practice? What is the external validity—ecological and population—of this study?


NUR3666 Evidence-Based Nursing and Research in Global Health Care

Group Discussion 8

Initial post due Saturday:

Retrieve the following full-text article from the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature or similar search database:

Ortiz, J., McGilligan, K., & Kelly, P. (2004). Duration of breast milk expression among working mothers enrolled in an employer-sponsored lactation program. Pediatric Nursing, 30(2), 111–118.

Review the article, looking for evidence of any ethical or legal issues that arose in the study and how the researchers dealt with them. Answer the following appraisal questions after reading this research article:

Do the authors have the appropriate clinical and educational credentials for this research study? What are the strengths and weaknesses of this research team?

Is there evidence of any conflict of interest that might introduce bias into the way the study is designed or the way the results are viewed? Do the authors have any potential to realize a financial gain from the results of this study?

What is the evidence that this journal is peer-reviewed? Find the home page of this journal on the Web. Does the journal have an editorial board?

Does the journal have anything to gain by publishing positive or negative results from this study?

Is there evidence of bias in the way the study was designed or implemented? If so, how does it affect the nurses’ use of these data in the practice setting?

Appraise the level of evidence this research study provides the nurse and the strength of the recommendation for practice provided by the results.

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