finance data bank

Question # 00004389 Posted By: spqr Updated on: 12/02/2013 01:35 PM Due on: 12/28/2013
Subject Business Topic Management Tutorials:
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. While Blockbuster has closed hundreds of stores and is likely to file for bankruptcy, Netflix expanded its customer base to over 13 million.


2. Factors external to the organizations have been primarily the focus of management as a discipline.


3. The general environment and the task environment are the two layers of an organization's external environment.


4. The outer layer, the general environment, is widely dispersed and affects organizations directly.


5. Customers and competitors are two important sectors of the economic dimension of a firm's general environment.


6. Current employees, management, and especially corporate culture are part of an organization's internal environment.


7. The international dimension of the external environment represents events originating in foreign countries as well as opportunities for U.S. companies in other countries.


8. In recent years, the most dramatic change in the international environment is the shift of economic power to Germany and France.


9. The technological dimension of the external environment includes scientific and technological advancements in a specific industry as well as in society at large.


10. The sociocultural dimension of the general environment includes societal norms and values.


11. The international dimension includes scientific and technological advancements in a specific industry as well as in society at large.


12. According to Spotlight on Skills in Chapter 2, the Chinese concept of guanxi is a supportive, mutually beneficial connection between two people.


13. According to Spotlight on Skills in Chapter 2, one of the rules of doing business in China is remembering that relationships are short-term.


14. Economic problems in other parts of the world have a tremendous impact on U.S. companies.


15. The economic dimension of the general environment represents the demographic characteristics.


16. The economic dimension of the general environment includes consumer purchasing power.

17. An example of part of the legal-political dimension of the general environment is a government's report on the decline of unemployment rate.

18. President Clinton's signing of the telecommunications bill in 1996 deregulating the industry is an example of the legal-political dimension of the general environment.


19. The task environmental dimension includes all elements that occur naturally on earth, including plants, animals, rocks, and natural resources such as air, water, and climate.


20. Customers are the people and organizations in the environment who acquire goods or services from the organization.

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  1. Tutorial # 00004190 Posted By: spqr Posted on: 12/02/2013 10:18 PM
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