Explain the micro-level analysis approach

Question # 00364572 Posted By: SVExpert Updated on: 08/17/2016 08:30 AM Due on: 08/17/2016
Subject Geography Topic Economic Geography Tutorials:
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1. Explain the micro-level analysis approach and how it applies to individual actions.

2. Explain the importance of how sociology plays an important role in being able to study the police.

3. Explain how conflict theorists view the police and their role in social control.

4. Discuss the role and struggles of the minority police officer of the past several decades.

5. Describe “quality circles.”

6. Briefly describe the third degree.

7. Describe the functions of the patrol division of a police department.

8. Discuss the functionalist perspective of order maintenance, service, and the police.

9. Describe selective enforcement.

10. Discuss and describe “full enforcement.”

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00360259 Posted By: SVExpert Posted on: 08/17/2016 08:31 AM
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