Explain how each of the following contribute to ethical norms

Question # 00583610 Posted By: Prof.Longines Updated on: 09/05/2017 06:36 AM Due on: 09/05/2017
Subject Political Science Topic American Policy Tutorials:
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Explain how each of the following contribute to ethical norms; what are their shortcomings?

  1. Values and Beliefs
  2. Customs and Traditions
  3. Faith and Science
  4. Theories and Practice (Experience)
  5. What are the consequences when individuals and societies disagree on ethical standards and behavior?
  6. How do individuals and societies resolve those ethical disagreements? How do nations resolve ethical disagreements
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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00581647 Posted By: Prof.Longines Posted on: 09/05/2017 06:37 AM
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