Devry RELI448 final exam 2017 feb

Question # 00490422 Posted By: vikas Updated on: 02/25/2017 06:39 AM Due on: 02/28/2017
Subject Religious Studies Topic Bioethics Tutorials:
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Question 1. 1. (TCO 1) A common element often found in religions is: (Points : 4)

respect for sculpture.

feelings of wonder.

rules governing meditation.

use of permanent places of worship.

Question 2. 2. (TCO 1) The position that argues that we cannot know whether there is a god or not is known as: (Points : 4)





Question 3. 3. (TCO 2) Who was the American psychologist who viewed religion as a positive way of fulfilling needs and praised its positive influence on the lives of individuals? (Points : 4)

James Frazer

Carl Gustav Jung

Sigmund Freud

William James

Question 4. 4. (TCO 4) Who was the Scottish anthropologist and author of The Golden Bough who saw the origins of religion in early attempts by human beings to influence nature and who identified religion as an intermediate stage between magic and science? (Points : 4)

James Frazer

Rudolf Otto

William James

Wilhelm Schmidt

Question 5. 5. (TCO 4) Name the French thinker who moved away from structuralism towards a technique called destructuralism, which rejects the usual interpretation of religious origins. (Points : 4)





Question 6. 6. (TCO 8) The second-ranking caste consisted of: (Points : 4)



nobles and warriors.


Question 7. 7. (TCO 8) The term meaning non-harm or nonviolence is: (Points : 4)





Question 8. 8. (TCO 9) The moral law of cause and effect that determines the direction of rebirth is: (Points : 4)





Question 9. 9. (TCO 10) Both Jainism and Sikhism: (Points : 4)

practice vegetarianism.

advocate ahimsa.

are monotheistic.

view the human being as composite of spirit and matter.

Question 10. 10. (TCO 8) According to the Buddha, his teachings must be: (Points : 4)

accepted on faith.

experienced by oneself.

memorized and chanted.

spread by missionaries.

Question 11. 11. (TCO 8) The Buddhist term for sorrow or suffering is: (Points : 4)





Question 12. 12. (TCO 8 ) The Chinese word for "righteousness," "benevolence," "humanity-at-its-best" is: (Points : 4)

Ren (jen).



Hsiao (xiao).

Question 13. 13. (TCO 8) Confucius taught that people are: (Points : 4)

not born good but must be taught goodness.

naturally good and should be left alone.

individuals first and members of a society second.

selfish and need strict laws to control them.

Question 14. 14. (TCO 9) Which is not a Daoist value? (Points : 4)



Sensing movements of nature

Formal education

Question 15. 15. (TCO 9) In Zhuangzi's (Chuang Tzu's) famous dream, he was not certain that he was not: (Points : 4)


an ox.

a butterfly.

a Daoist.

Question 16. 16. (TCO 5) All of the following minor religions are offshoots of a major world religion except: (Points : 4)





Question 17. 17. (TCO 11) Sikhism is charaterized by: (Points : 4)

special clothing and religious militarism.

special clothing but not religious militarism.

religious militarism but not special clothing.

special clothing only.

Question 18. 18. (TCO 6) The Hebrews trace themselves to an ancestor named: (Points : 4)





Question 19. 19. (TCO 6) A savior figure to be sent by God to bring in God's kingdom is the: (Points : 4)


Suffering Servant.



Question 20. 20. (TCO 6) The Jewish Day of Atonement is: (Points : 4)




Yom Kippur.

Question 21. 21. (TCO 7) Jesus sometimes summed up his teachings in: (Points : 4)

ten commandments.

one commandment.

two commandments.

five commandments.

Question 22. 22. (TCO 7) Letters written in the New Testament to instruct, encourage, and solve problems are called: (Points : 4)





Question 23. 23. (TCO 6) Muslims believe in: (Points : 4)

resurrection of the body.

a final judgment.

neither a resurrection of the body nor a final judgment.

both a resurrection of the body and a final judgment.

Question 24. 24. (TCO 6) What is the word for a pilgrimage to Mecca? (Points : 4)





Question 25. 25. (TCO 12) The Baha'is found a messianic figure in: (Points : 4)

a young Persian aristocrat, Baha'u'llah.

an Ethiopian king.

a writer of science fiction.

a Jamaican farmer.

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Question 1. 1. (TCO 4) Compare and contrast Carl Gustav Jung's theory about the origin of religions with William James's theory. How do each of these psychologists view religion (positively or negatively)? Next, analyze how the insights of Jung or James might illuminate your religious tradition or the tradition with which you are the most familiar. How would Jung or James understand that tradition? Use specific examples to support your answer (e.g., a specific belief or ritual).

(Points : 50)

Question 2. 2. (TCO 9) Identify and analyze the Theravada and Mahayana forms of Buddhism. Include in this answer: a) specific countries where they are found, b) differing views of the Buddha, and c) differing ideals as to how one should live one's life. Make sure you use enough details to support your answer.

(Points : 50)

Question 3. 3. (TCO 3) Explain and evaluate Anselm's Ontological Argument for the existence of God: God cannot be conceived not to exist. God is that, than which nothing greater can be conceived. That which can be conceived not to exist is not God.

AND it assuredly exists so truly, that it cannot be conceived not to exist. For, it is possible to conceive of a being which cannot be conceived not to exist; and this is greater than one which can be conceived not to exist. Hence, if that, than which nothing greater can be conceived, can be conceived not to exist, it is not that, than which nothing greater can be conceived. But this is an irreconcilable contradiction. There is, then, so truly a being than which nothing greater can be conceived to exist, that it cannot even be conceived not to exist;. and this being you are, O Lord, our God.

So truly, therefore, do you exist, O Lord, my God, that you can not be conceived not to exist; and rightly. For, if a mind could conceive of a being better than you, the creature would rise above the Creator; and this is most absurd. And, indeed, whatever else there is, except you alone, can be conceived not to exist. To you alone, therefore, it belongs to exist more truly than all other beings, and hence in a higher degree than all others. For, whatever else exists does not exist so truly, and hence in a less degree it belongs to it to exist. Why, then, has the fool said in his heart, there is no God (Psalms xiv. 1), since it is so evident, to a rational mind, that you do exist in the highest degree of all? Why, except that he is dull and a fool?

Briefly explain and then evaluate this proof for the existence of God.

(Points : 50)

Question 4. 4. (TCO 11) Identify and analyze three basic patterns in indigeneous religions. Use examples from traditional Hawaiian religion to support your answer.

(Points : 50)

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