Devry PSYC110 quiz 4

Question # 00003918 Posted By: neil2103 Updated on: 11/22/2013 10:37 PM Due on: 11/20/2013
Subject Psychology Topic General Psychology Tutorials:
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1.(TCO 10) Assad and Juana believe it is important to reinforce their baby's curiosity and attempt to interact with her verbally. Assad and Juana believe that _____ is the major contributor to their child's development.(Points : 5)

sensation training

Question 2. 2.(TCO 10) The germinal period _____.(Points : 5)

is about 4 weeks in duration
refers to the menstrual cycle of germs
is the time where there is development of major organs
begins at fertilization and ends with implantation

Question 3. 3.(TCO 10) _____ in 100 children are born with fetal alcohol syndrome. (Points : 5)


Question 4. 4.(TCO 10) Regarding an infant's sensory and perceptual development, which of the following would we not expect?(Points : 5)

Vision to be 20/20 at birth.
A newborn's sense of pain highly developed at birth.
An infant to recognize, and prefer, its own mother's breast milk by smell.
An infant to recognize, and prefer, its own mother's breast milk by taste.

Question 5. 5.(TCO 10 ) Eric dies of cancer at the age of 65. This was mostly a result of _____.(Points : 5)

primary aging-
secondary aging
programmed theory
damage theory

Question 6. 6.(TCO 10) In Ainsworth's studies on infant attachment, the _____ infants sought their mothers' comfort while also squirming to get away when the mother returned to the room.(Points : 5)

insecurely attached

Question 7. 7.(TCO 10) A child gives her friend a piece of cake, in hopes that when she forgets her snack one day, her friend will reciprocate the favor. This represents Kohlberg's _____ level of morality.(Points : 5)

punishment oriented

Question 8. 8.(TCO 10) According to Erikson, humans progress through eight stages of psychosocial development. Which of the following is the correct sequence for the successful completion of the second four stages?(Points : 5)

Identity „_ intimacy „_ generativity „_ ego integrity
Ego integrity „_ trust „_ intimacy „_ generativity
Initiative „_ intimacy „_ generativity „_ ego integrity
Identity „_ autonomy „_ intimacy „_ generativity

Question 9. 9.(TCO 10) _____ has consistently been found to be a key factor in successful marriages. (Points : 5)

Realistic expectations
The ability to fight for equity
Satisfying sexual activity
Emotional stability

Question 10. 10.(TCO 10) _____ is a key ingredient to a fulfilling old age. (Points : 5)

Prolonged sexual activity
Continued family support
Lack of money problems
Active involvement

Question 11. 11.(TCO 10) Define and illustrate with original examples the concepts schema, assimilation, and accommodation.(Points : 10)

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