Devry NR707 2019 September Week 5 Project Implementation Presentation Draft Latest

Question # 00741813 Posted By: rey_writer Updated on: 10/24/2019 04:55 AM Due on: 10/24/2019
Subject Geology Topic General Geology Tutorials:
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NR707 DNP Project & Practicum III

Project Implementation Presentation


This presentation is an opportunity for the DNP student to describe in a PPT Presentation the details of the eight weeks of the project implementation of their DNP Project.   This will be a voice over PPT. 


Through this assignment, the DNP student will demonstrate achievement of NR-707 course outcomes:

•             Course Outcome1: Demonstrate effective project management strategies (PO 2, 3, and 6)

•             Course Outcome 3: Demonstrate knowledge and skills in support for and dissemination of scholarship. (PO 2, 3)


1.            Week 5:  Post your PPT Presentation Draft to the Week 5 Assignment area no later than Sunday, 11:59 pm, MT, Week 5. The draft is required but not graded. Your course faculty will provide you with feedback.

2.            Week 6: post your PPT presentation to the Weekly Collaboration area.

3.            Week 7: Post your PPT Presentation to the Week 7 Assignment area no later than Sunday, 11:59 pm, MT, Week 7. Not posting the correct file using the specified file format, or posting to an incorrect area does not constitute assignment submission. 


This assignment is worth a possible total of 300 points.


Note: Grading for the PPT Presentation will held if the Implementation of the Project is not completed or be within a week or 2 of completion at the end of NR 707.

If Implementation of the Project is not nearly completed by the end of NR707 (or within 2 weeks), the student will need to request an Incomplete and will not progress to NR 709 until Implementation is completed.  This applies to Implementations that still need more than 2 weeks to complete by the end of NR 707.

This assignment consists of a narrated PowerPoint presentation. Review the web resources as well as the grading rubric to assist you with your PowerPoint presentation.

Your presentation should include a brief introduction, brief project description, a detailed description of your Implementation, project evaluation  and conclusion.


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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00740252 Posted By: rey_writer Posted on: 10/24/2019 04:55 AM
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