devry HIM410 Financial Management all 4 week discussion

Question # 00003712 Posted By: spqr Updated on: 11/19/2013 01:32 AM Due on: 11/26/2013
Subject Finance Topic Finance Tutorials:
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week 1 discussion

Healthcare Revenue Sources (graded)

What are some sources of healthcare revenue?

The Role of the HIM (graded)

What is the role of the HIM (Health Information Manager) in a healthcare organization?

week 2 discussion

Sources of Revenue (graded)

What are some different types of expenses that generate revenue for healthcare organizations? What are the two types of disbursement for services?

Revenue Cycle (graded)

Explain the importance of cost centers in the revenue cycle processes.

week 3 discussion

Reimbursement (graded)

What are the various types of financial reports used in healthcare organizations? Demonstrate how a financial report is used in decis

Staffing Calculations (graded)

Why is it important to understand staffing calculations to fill scheduled positions?

week 4 discussion

Budget Variances (graded)

List the various types of flexible budget variance. Explain one type of variance budget and its application in health information management.

Sensitivity Analysis (graded)

Demonstrate how a hospital's sensitivity analysis can be used to project the way that changing certain events may affect budgeting.

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00003524 Posted By: spqr Posted on: 11/19/2013 01:37 AM
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