Designs involving sharp corners, deep and narrow cavities, severe tapers, folded seams
Question # 00631852
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Updated on: 12/27/2017 12:36 PM Due on: 12/27/2017
1. Designs involving sharp corners, deep and narrow cavities, severe tapers, folded seams, or porous workpiece materials should be avoided.
2. To improve the production rate, the bulk of the workpiece should be shaped by other processes prior to chemical machining.
3. Because the etchant attacks the material in both vertical and horizontal directions, undercuts may develop. Tolerances of ± 10% of the material thickness can be maintained in chemical blanking.
4. Dimensional variations can occur because of size changes in artwork due to humidity and temperature. This is minimized by controlling the environment in artwork generation and properly selecting artwork media.
Solution: Designs involving sharp corners, deep and narrow cavities, severe tapers, folded seams