Design a game or activity to provide practice with a specific structure

Question # 00105949 Posted By: kimwood Updated on: 09/21/2015 04:32 PM Due on: 10/21/2015
Subject Foreign Languages Topic General Foreign Languages Tutorials:
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Teaching Activity:

Design a game or activity to provide practice with a specific structure or other aspect of spoken

language (e.g., plurals, embedded clauses, wh-questions, vocabulary classification, multiple

meanings, idioms, conversational skills, rhyming, synonyms, and opposites). A complete typed

description of the game or activity, including sketches and construction instructions, if

appropriate, will be turned in. The description should include a title, procedures and all examples

to be used, as well as the target behavior and age group. Evaluation will be based on

appropriateness and creativity. Note: this is spoken language only. You will present your activity

in class and make a copy for each member of the class (email to classmates is acceptable).

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00100354 Posted By: kimwood Posted on: 09/21/2015 04:32 PM
    Puchased By: 2
    Tutorial Preview
    of the picture in the ...
    2220011.docx (34.82 KB)

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