Comparing Organizations with Benchmark Data

Question # 00389529 Posted By: lola2014 Updated on: 09/18/2016 07:05 PM Due on: 09/19/2016
Subject Nursing Topic Nursing Tutorials:
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NURS 3110 Information Management and Patient Care Technology

Week 3 Assignment Grading Rubric

Comparing Organizations with Benchmark Data-due by Week 3, Day 7


For this Application assignment, first review under learning resources one of the three links to Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) compare sites (hospital compare, home health compare or nursing home compare).Write a 2-3 page assignment comparing two facilities on the identified CMS measures.Begin this assignment with describing the two facilities chosen to be compared and an explanation of why they were chosen. Benchmark the facilities against local, state and national averages on at least two different measures. Discuss some of the potential causes for differences in the data between the two facilities that you reviewed. Lastly, provide insight into how standardization of data is necessary to compare facilities.

Grading Rubric:(p. 2-3)

Review the Rubric to guide you in writing your assignment. The Rubric is also your instructors guide to grading your assignment.

Template(p. 4-6):

Please use the attached Template in this Rubric or the Academic Writing Expectations (AWE) 2000/3000 Level Assignment Template found in the course.

Follow the attached Template in this Rubric or use the AWE 2000.3000 Level Assignment Template found in the course. Be sure to use 12 pt. Times New Roman font, 1 inch margins, and double space your paper

Writing Checklist(p. 7)

Review the items on the checklist to ensure that you meet the expectations the expectations of AWE 2000/3000.

Submission Instructions:

Prior tosubmitting your assignment for grading, upload your assignment to the SafeAssign Draft area of the course. Review your SafeAssign results, and revise your assignment as needed. You may need to work on properly paraphrasing material to improve your SafeAssign Score. Consider usingthis week’s Writing Center Course Resources to guide you through the process ofparaphrasing and referencing evidence from your article.Once you are satisfied with the integrity of your assignment,submit it for grading.

Please save your Assignment using the following naming convention: WK3Assgn+last name+first initial. In addition, use this naming convention for the title of your submission.

Assignment GradingRubric

Week 3—Comparing Organizations with Benchmark Data

Assignment Rubric: Required Content

Total Pts: 250

· Introduction:

Begins paper with a brief paragraph that provides an overview of the assignment and its purpose. (10 points)

· Description of Two Organizations:

Describes the two facilities chosen to be compared and why they were chosen. (15 pts for each description).

· Comparison of Two Organizations

Compares to a chosen competitor on state and national average on two different quality measures using the benchmark data from one of the three Compare sites. Includes goal for the quality measure and the achieved goals for each facility. (25pts for each comparison)

· Analysis of Factors that Contribute to Performance Measures

Determines some of the potential causes for differences in the data between the two facilities that you reviewed. (15pts for each of two facilities)

· Data Standardization to Improve Quality Comparison Measures

Provides insight into how standardization of data is necessary to compare facilities (30)


Use of Resources

Writer makes use of course resources as directed in the assignment instructions. Resources are clearly identified when used. At least three resources are identified within the assignment.


Format and writing

Writer meets all of the Academic Writing. Expectations. Paper is presented in a clean, professional format with few formatting, typographic or other errors. (AWE 2000/3000).



Pointsmaybedeductedforlate submissions. Seepolicy in syllabus.



Detailed ExplanationofAssignmentExpectations

Exceeds Expectations
Meets all minimum expectations, plus:

Meets MinimumExpectations

Does Not MeetExpectations

Required Content


Writer goes into depthin addressingtheissues and brings additional insights tothe topic.


Writer successfullyaddresses allissuesandquestions given in theassignment details.


Writer does notsuccessfullyaddress all aspectsof the assignment.

(0-111 pts)

Useof Resources


Writer makessubstantial andinsightful useofresources as supportingmaterial.Mayalso includeadditional resources.


Writer makesuseofcourse resourcesasdirected in theassignment instructions.Resourcesare clearlyidentified when used.


Writer does notuse requiredresources appropriately.

(0-37 pts)

Format and Writing


Assignment isfreeofalmost all errors,andis written in clearprose beyondAcademicWriting Expectation.


Writer meetsall of theAcademicWritingExpectations. Assignment ispresented in aclean, professionalformat withfewformatting,typographic or other errors.

(38-45 pts)

Writer does notmeet basicexpectationsforacademicwritingand/orassignment containssubstantialerrors.

(0-37 pts)

Comparing Organizations with Benchmark Data

Student’s Full Name

Walden University

NURS 3110 Section 04 Information Management and Patient Care Technologies

Month, Day, Year

(enter the date submitted to instructor)

Comparing Organizations with Benchmark Data

Begin this paper with a brief paragraph that provides an overview of the assignment and its purpose. There is no separate heading for this paragraph; the heading for this paragraph is the same as the title of the paper. This paragraph will be about 2–3 sentences. The last sentence in this paragraph is a sentence that begins "The purpose of this paper is to¨.

Description of Two Organizations

Paper includes a comprehensive description of two organizations, including an explanation of why the organizations were selected. The description includes location –suburban or urban location, size of the facility (number of beds), awards or certifications and any specialty programs that the facility is renowned for.

Comparison of Two Organizations

Paper includes summary of how student’s chosen organization compares to a chosen competitor on state and national average on two different quality measures using the benchmark data from one of the three Compare sites. Addressed will include the compare site goal for the quality measure, the achieved goals for each facility, and if the facilities compare equally on the measure or one excels above the other.

Analysis of Factors that Contribute to Performance Measures

Assignment describes at least two factors that explain differences on performance measures between the chosen organizations. If the facilities results are comparable note two factors that explain these results. Include using supporting evidence from one scholarly article.

Data Standardization to Improve Quality Comparison Measures

Addresses how the comparison of data analysis is would not happen without standardized data.


End the paper with a summary on the main points of the paper.


Although a Reference List not is required at the 2000/3000 AWE Level, you may begin practicing referencing your source/s using APA formatting requirements. Review the “BSN TOP Ten References and Citations” found in Course Resources and the Academic Writing Expectations tab. Also, the Walden Writing Center is YOUR reference resource place at

Academic Writing Expectations Checklist

Academic Writing Expectationsfor 2000/3000 Level Courses

Students: Prior to submission please review your assignment for sentence-level, paragraph level, and use of evidence to make sure you meet the AWE expectations. Check the boxes as you complete your review and click the links to accessWriting Center for additional resources if you need them.

Sentence-level skills

Constructing complete and correct sentences. See an explanation of sentence components and how to avoid sentence fragments and run-ons. Take an interactive module on sentence basics.

Using and spelling words correctly. See a list of commonly misused words and information on MS Word’s spell check.

Punctuating appropriately. See the different types of punctuation and their uses.

Using Grammarly to catch further errors. See a Grammarly tutorial.

Paragraph-level skills

Using paragraph breaks. Each paragraph acts as a concrete unit of thecentral argument. See a description of paragraph basics.

Focusing each paragraph on one central idea (rather than multiple ideas). See an explanation of how topic sentences work.

Utilize essay level writing practice and skills, including the use of transitional material and organizational frames.

Use of evidence

Using course learning resources. See examples of integrating evidence in a paper.

Enclosing direct quotes in quotation marks. Read about the purpose of quotation marks.

Paraphrasing (explaining in one’s own words) to avoid plagiarizing the source. Using

quotes appropriately (no more than one short, unique quote.) See paraphrasing strategies. See Ineffective Paraphrasing Strategies

Using in-text citations appropriately. Citations have the same three elements regardless of source.

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