business managment data bank

Question # 00005050 Posted By: spqr Updated on: 12/09/2013 08:01 PM Due on: 12/31/2013
Subject Business Topic Management Tutorials:
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51. The selection process can help a firm contain costs as demonstrated by the _____ per year savings the federal government enjoys via ability testing for entry-level employees.

a) $15 million

b) $500,000

c) $15 billion

d) $1.5 billion

e) $1.5 million

52. Damen is reviewing the results of an employment test his company has been using. It seems that the scores do not relate well to applicants’ actual job performance once hired. This test seems subject to a:

a) reliability error.

b) validity error.

c) comparison to other candidates error.

d) quantification error.

e) content reliability error.

53. The HR manager is discussing the amount of error present in the current selection process. She is discussing the ___ of the selection process.

a) reliability

b) validity

c) accuracy

d) legal defensibility

e) empirical validity

54. An unsuccessful job applicant has filed suit against your company, alleging that a test she was given does not measure performance required on the actual job. Her suit is about the ____ of the test.

a) reliability

b) validity

c) accuracy

d) ethicality

e) disparate impact

55. An employment selection tool that has content validity:

a) reports consistent results across time.

b) results in consistency among evaluators.

c) has a high correlation to job performance.

d) accurately represents skills, knowledge, and abilities required.

e) is referrals from current employees.

56. According to the text, which statement shows the relationship between reliability and validity?

a) Any test that is reliable is valid.

b) A test that is not reliable can still be valid.

c) If a test is not valid, it is not reliable.

d) All of the above

e) None of the above

57. An employment selection tool that has empirical validity:

a) reports consistent results across time.

b) results in consistency among evaluators.

c) has a high correlation to job performance.

d) accurately represents skills, knowledge, and abilities required.

e) is referrals from current employees.

58. In response to a lawsuit by an unsuccessful job applicant, your HRM department has compared previous applicants’ scores on the test to their rates of success in the job; a high correlation arises, demonstrating that the test:

a) is reliable.

b) does not create a disparate impact.

c) has content validity.

d) has empirical validity.

e) is subject to comparison to other candidates.

59. Tyrese has just measured Cambridge Corporation’s workforce. He is now trying to determine whether the tests he used are valid by comparing them to performance appraisals that supervisors have completed on the workers. He is attempting to find:

a) the predictive validity of the tests.

b) the concurrent validity of the tests.

c) the content validity of the tests.

d) the reliability of the tests.

e) the external validity of the tests.

60. Sebastian is concerned about his most recent hires at Anderson Brothers Company. He believed that by basing his selection on job-knowledge tests administered during the interview, he would have few problems with inept hires and would find the best employee for each position. He has found though, that the eight employees who were hired during the last hiring period each have had complaints about lack of competence and job knowledge. This indicates that the:

a) concurrent validity of the tests is poor.

b) reliability of the tests is poor.

c) internal validity of the tests is poor.

d) external validity of the tests is poor.

e) predictive validity of the tests is poor.

61. A manager has a number of selection tools at his/her disposal. A commonly used tool that generally has a POOR relation to actual job performance is:

a) application forms.

b) ability tests.

c) letters of recommendation.

d) personality tests.

e) honesty tests.

62. A selection tool, called the biodata form, is a type of:

a) ability test.

b) psychological test.

c) personality test.

d) reference check.

e) application form.

63. Harry wants to assess an applicant’s ability to learn, adapt, and use quantitative tools. The best selection tool for assessing this would be:

a) a personality test.

b) the application form.

c) the psychological test.

d) a cognitive ability test.

e) an assessment center.

64. A work sample test is a type of:

a) biodata form.

b) personality test.

c) cognitive ability test.

d) psychological test.

e) orientation test.

65. Kareem wants to test applicants for their willingness to work hard and their ethics about stealing from their employers. His best choice of selection tool would be a(n):

a) psychological test.

b) personality test.

c) honesty test.

d) structured interview.

e) unstructured interview.

66. Which of the following is important for an employer to remember when reading letters of recommendation of job applicants?

a) The more positive a letter is, the better.

b) A poor letter of recommendation should be ignored.

c) The content of the letter is more important than the positivity of the letter.

d) Letters of recommendation are highly related to job performance.

e) A letter of recommendation is just a formality.

67. Which of the following is an example of a direct performance test?

a) A cognitive ability test.

b) A general cognitive ability test.

c) A work sample test.

d) A physical ability test.

e) The Meyers-Brigg Type Indicator.

68. A very common selection tool that has poor reliability and low validity is:

a) testing.

b) the application form.

c) the interview.

d) letters of recommendation.

e) the assessment center.

69. Traditional interviews have been criticized for:

a) their rigidity.

b) being similar to a stress test.

c) interviewers’ quick judgments.

d) projecting a poor impression of the company to the job applicant.

e) their inability to determine how well someone would fit into an organization.

70. Questions used to discover how job candidates would respond to given work situations are called:

a) unstructured questions.

b) worker requirement questions.

c) job knowledge questions.

d) structure questions.

e) situational questions.

71. Which of the following is a work requirement type of question?

a) Tell me about a time when you disagreed with a supervisor.

b) If a customer says, “it costs too much,” what do you do?

c) What is the most appropriate way to handle a customer complaint?

d) Are you willing to deliver a product to the customer to whom you sold it in order to meet a deadline?

e) Tell me what you know about our company and product line.

72. Despite the criticisms of unstructured interviews, your text suggests they do have a significant advantage over structured interviews in:

a) predicting the “fit” of a candidate to the organization.

b) making the hiring decision a team process.

c) that they have higher content validity than other types of interviews.

d) that they lend themselves well to “stress interviewing” techniques.

e) that they accurately predict actual job performance.

73. Which of the following is an inappropriate question to ask during a job interview?

a) “Have you ever been convicted of a crime?”

b) “Do you understand that this company has a no-smoking policy?”

c) “What is the origin of your name? It is very distinctive.”

d) “Are you willing to take a physical exam as a condition of your employment?”

e) “Have you ever applied for a job with our company before and been turned down?”

74. You are considering three candidates for a manager’s job. Each candidate’s experience and education are quite similar. You want to know how each candidate will perform, given certain tasks or situations. Your best selection tool for predicting this is:

a) a structured interview.

b) an assessment center.

c) personality testing.

d) psychological testing.

e) an unstructured interview.

75. Assessment centers are useful in evaluating a candidate’s:

a) interpersonal, writing, and problem-solving skills.

b) quantitative skills.

c) “fit” in the organization’s culture and with the management team.

d) organizing, planning, decision-making, and leadership abilities.

e) ability to work on a team.

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