business managment data bank

Question # 00005028 Posted By: spqr Updated on: 12/09/2013 10:20 AM Due on: 12/30/2013
Subject Business Topic Management Tutorials:
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51. The number one category of complaints filed under ADA includes:

a) loss of sight.

b) the inability to get to the workplace, such as climbing stairs to reach an office.

c) back injuries.

d) the inability to read or do math due to economic and educational disadvantages.

e) drug addiction-related impairments.

52. The legislation that laid the foundation for the Americans with Disabilities Act was the:

a) Vocational Rehabilitation Act.

b) Civil Rights Act of 1964.

c) Pregnancy Discrimination Act.

d) Age Discrimination in Employment Act.

e) Equal Pay Act.

53. The Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973 resembles Executive Order 11246 in what way?

a) they both cover the same protected groups.

b) they both apply to federal government employees and mandate that ideal behavior strategy be implemented in all decisions regarding employment and termination of employment.

c) they both apply only to federal government employees and its contractors, and requires that covered organizations have an affirmative action plan to promote the employment of the respective protected groups.

d) they both are enforced by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).

e) both b and d

54. The Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Act:

a) prohibits federal contractors from discriminating against Vietnam-era veterans.

b) prohibits all employers from discriminating against Vietnam-era veterans.

c) added military service to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as a criterion for protected classes.

d) impacted employers with 50 or more employees.

e) instituted drug testing and opened the door for later drug testing of all employees.

55. Which branch of government is responsible for the enforcement of EEO laws?

a) Judicial.

b) Executive.

c) Legislative.

d) State government.

e) a and c

56. Beau is an agent for the EEOC and he has just received a complaint filed by Samar against Universal Pharmaceuticals Corp. What is Beau’s first step in processing the complaint?

a) To attempt to resolve the case through conciliation.

b) To inform Samar of the intentions of Universal Pharmaceuticals Corp. regarding the complaint.

c) To inform Universal Pharmaceuticals Corp. of the complaint.

d) To begin an investigation of the complaint.

e) To issue a right-to-sue letter to Samar .

57. The number of complaints filed with the EEOC in recent years has:

a) been in sharp decline.

b) shifted largely from discrimination to reverse discrimination.

c) shown a strong bias against women in the workplace.

d) fluctuated with the state of the economy.

e) increased to approximately 80,900 cases in 2001.

58. If a complaint is filed with the EEOC, and the EEOC finds no probable cause of a violation of the law:

a) the EEOC initiates a conciliation process.

b) the EEOC notifies the complainant, who may still file a lawsuit.

c) the case is closed and the complainant has no further recourse.

d) the EEOC will initiate litigation anyway.

e) the case will be referred to the OFCCP.

59. If the EEOC finds that an EEO law has been violated:

a) it fines the offending company as is appropriate.

b) it will contact a labor arbitrator to hear both sides and issue a ruling.

c) it lobbies Congress to pass EEO legislation.

d) it initiates negotiations among the parties to resolve the issue through conciliation.

e) the EEO files suit in over 50% of the cases.

60. Which of the following is not a principal EEOC regulation?

a) Executive Order 11246.

b) Sex discrimination guidelines.

c) EEO in the federal government.

d) Equal Pay Act interpretations.

e) Interpretations of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act.

61. The OFCCP’s jurisdiction over discrimination issues is:

a) limited to the federal government and its contractors.

b) as broad as the EEOC.

c) limited to cases referred to it by the EEOC.

d) limited to overseas companies with U.S. operations.

e) tied to affirmative action programs.

62. Kasey works for a regulatory agency and monitors several organizations in order to make sure of compliance with its regulations. In addition to this task, the agency he works for can take away government contracting privileges from any company that is not complying with the regulations. Kasey works for:

a) the Federal Monitor for Equal Opportunity in the Workplace.

b) the Federal Agency for Conciliation in Workplace Discrimination.

c) the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).

d) the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP).

e) none of the above

63. Unlike the EEOC, the OFCCP:

a) must wait for complaints to be filed before it can act.

b) has no enforcement power.

c) both monitors compliance and has enforcement powers.

d) may only recommend action to the Executive Branch, it cannot act on its own.

e) was created by Title VII legislation.

64. The establishment of an affirmation action plan has three steps. The first is to:

a) establish goals and timetables for compliance.

b) investigate the claim of discrimination.

c) arrange a conciliation meeting.

d) develop action plans to meet federal guidelines.

e) conduct a utilization analysis.

65. A utilization analysis looks at which of the following criteria?

a) The national population.

b) Age of the labor pool.

c) Qualified workers in the local labor pool.

d) The number of potential employees in public schools in the area.

e) The number of federal contractors in the labor pool area.

66. In a utilization analysis, you do NOT need to determine the percentage of protected-class members in which of the following groups of people?

a) Local population.

b) Local unemployed workers.

c) Local labor force.

d) Qualified workers in the local labor market.

e) Unqualified workers in the local labor market.

67. Your business is a government contractor. To begin your affirmative action plan, you start with a utilization analysis. What is your first step in conducting this analysis?

a) You must determine the percentage of protected classes in the available labor market.

b) You must divide all of the jobs in your business into classifications.

c) You must determine the percentage of persons from all protected classes working in your business.

d) You must contact the OFCCP in order to comply with Executive Order 11246.

e) You must determine whether your company is violating the four-fifths rule.

68. Once the utilization analysis has been completed, what is the next step in developing an affirmative action plan?

a) Setting goals and a time-table for correcting the underutilization of protected class groups.

b) Recruiting protected-class members.

c) Redesigning jobs so that the underrepresented workers are more likely to be qualified.

d) Determining the percentage of protected classes in the available labor market.

e) Determining the number of graduates of local education and training programs that prepare people for your business’ job classifications.

69. According to your text, what types of businesses are required to have affirmative action plans?

a) Businesses located in areas where the protected class population is larger than the majority class population.

b) Businesses located in areas where the protected class population is 4/5 smaller than the majority class population.

c) Businesses that are contracted to, or part of, the federal government.

d) Businesses that have been in violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1991 at least twice in the past.

e) Businesses that have over 50 employees and earn over $50,000 per year.

70. When creating an affirmative action plan, the central concern is:

a) determining how many of each protected class to hire.

b) determining how much preference to give members of the underutilized protected class.

c) analyzing the impact of the plan on nonprotected classes in light of recent court decisions regarding reverse discrimination.

d) setting up the appropriate barriers to nonprotected class applicants.

e) determining the appropriate gender mix among applicants from the underutilized protected class.

71. Keramit applied for a managerial job at a large, private business and met all of the necessary requirements. Courtney applied for the same job and met all of the necessary requirements as well, but did not have the same amount of experience that Karamit had. Courtney was offered the position and took it. There is a rumor that Courtney was hired in order to make the business appear more woman-friendly. It is possible that Keramit was a victim of:

a) sexual harassment.

b) harassment.

c) reverse discrimination.

d) same-sex harassment.

e) adverse impact.

72. The discrimination that may have affected Keramit’s ability to receive the position is prohibited by which piece of legislation?

a) The Equal Pay Act of 1963.

b) The Civil Rights Act of 1991.

c) The Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

d) The Fair Labor Standards Act.

e) Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

73. In cases involving reverse discrimination, the Supreme Court generally has:

a) found in favor of the complainant.

b) favored the affirmative action side of the issue.

c) ruled these cases violate the intent of EEO law.

d) permitted very limited use of reverse discrimination.

e) forced employers to show affirmative action plans as justification for these decisions.

74. Based on the findings of the Supreme Court in recent reverse discrimination cases, it is fair to predict that:

a) affirmative action will be actively supported in future decisions.

b) members of nonprotected classes will become more fully supported in such cases.

c) reverse discrimination cases will be discouraged in the future.

d) it is difficult to predict, as most reverse discrimination cases have been decided by the slightest of margins.

e) affirmative action will be brought under very strict scrutiny.

75. Which of the following best describes affirmative action in countries other than the United States?

a) Affirmative action is virtually non-existent outside of the United States.

b) Since other countries do not have the types of disadvantaged groups that exist in the United States, affirmative action is unnecessary in other countries.

c) France is one of the few countries that has an affirmative action policy to include all disadvantaged groups.

d) A number of countries have created affirmative action programs that are designed to meet the needs of their respective populations.

e) Affirmative action is quite common in Western Europe, but very uncommon in eastern and south-eastern countries.

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  1. Tutorial # 00004815 Posted By: spqr Posted on: 12/09/2013 10:33 AM
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