BIOL 200 Homework #2
Part 1: For the data below calculate the following:
1) Alpha diversity for each habitat (2pts);
2) Beta diversity for grassland vs. all other habitats (4pts); and
3) Gamma diversity (2pts).
Part 1.
Species |
Grassland |
Crop Field |
Forest |
Wetland |
Urban |
bald eagle |
X |
red-tailed hawk |
X |
X |
X |
turkey vulture |
X |
X |
X |
X |
American robin |
X |
European starling |
X |
X |
X |
X |
red-winged black bird |
X |
X |
X |
X |
yellow-headed blackbird |
X |
American Wigeon |
X |
Mallard |
X |
X |
upland sandpiper |
X |
X |
grasshopper sparrow |
X |
bobolink |
X |
American dipper |
X |
sage grouse |
lesser prairie chicken |
X |
sharp-tailed grouse |
X |
X |
dark-eyed junco |
X |
X |
black-capped chickadee |
X |
X |
great blue heron |
X |
X |
snowy egret |
X |
dickcissel |
X |
X |
chipping sparrow |
X |
X |
X |
ring-necked pheasant |
X |
X |
ring-billed gull |
X |
X |
American pelican |
X |
ruffed grouse |
X |
wood duck |
X |
Canada goose |
X |
X |
X |
rock dove |
X |
morning dove |
X |
X |
ALPHA Diversity |
BETA Diversity |
Grass vs. Crop field |
Grass vs. Forest |
Grass vs. Wetland |
Grass vs. Urban |
GAMMA Diversity |
Part 2.
Use an Internet search engine to look up the scientific name for the Mountain Lion and write it appropriately as if in the text of a paper (2pts).
Mountain Lion =
Solution: BIOL 200 Homework #2