ASHFORD BUS 670 Week 2 Negligent Tort

Question # 00003498 Posted By: maqj Updated on: 11/13/2013 05:56 AM Due on: 11/13/2013
Subject Business Topic General Business Tutorials:
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ASHFORD BUS 670 Week 2 Negligent Tort

Negligent Tort. The paper must be four to five pages, excluding the title page and references page(s), and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Address all of the following parts of this assignment:

1. Visit the Consumer Product Safety Division website. Click on “Consumer Safety,” and then click on “Recalls.” Choose one product that has been recalled.

a. Identify the product subject to recall.

b. Determine whether the manufacturer would be liable in negligence if the product had not been recalled and had caused harm to a consumer.

c. At a minimum, your analysis must discuss the concepts of duty of care, standard of care, breach of the duty of care, actual causation, proximate causation, actual injury, and defenses to negligence.

2. Identify and discuss a relevant consumer protection statute identified under “Consumer Protection” in Chapter 8 of your text in conjunction with the product recall that you have identified.

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