art101 week 3 Assignment latest 2017 october

Question # 00628143 Posted By: rey_writer Updated on: 12/16/2017 12:45 PM Due on: 12/16/2017
Subject Art Topic General Art Tutorials:
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Unit 3 Assignment

As presented on the Course Information page and in Unit 1, you will curate an Art History art exhibition as a course project. The theme of this exhibition will be 'The Evolution of Art'.

For this assignment, you are going to discover the architecture in your community! Take some time to explore your hometown, and take a close look at the architecture of the buildings. Chances are, you will notice that there are still many design elements created by the Ancient Greek that are still used today. Take pictures of the details you find that remind you of the Ancient Greeks, and describe what you see. Try to find 4-6 different images to talk about. It doesn't have to be 4-6 buildings: look for 4-6 details on buildings. Common places where you might find these details are: town halls, banks, churches, even some houses. Present your discoveries in a PowerPoint presentation, complete with titles for the images, and a description for each.

This is due by the end of the day Sunday in Unit 3. If you have questions, please post them to the "Ask the Instructor" forum. Attached is your grading rubric.

This is due by the end of the day Sunday. If you have questions, please post them to the "Ask the Instructor" forum. Attached is your grading rubric.

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00626945 Posted By: rey_writer Posted on: 12/16/2017 12:47 PM
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    The solution of art101 week 3 Assignment latest 2017 october...
    Unit_3_Assignment_and_Curating_Your_Final_Course_Project.pptx (1231.83 KB)

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