art101 full course latest 2017 october (except vocabulary quizzes)

Question # 00628168 Posted By: rey_writer Updated on: 12/16/2017 01:16 PM Due on: 12/16/2017
Subject Art Topic General Art Tutorials:
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Unit 1.1 Discussion: Examine and Extend

The ancient artifacts from the Stone Age reflect the people’s beliefs, rituals, and lifestyle. Examine an artifact of your choosing, and consider its meaning; then, choose a sculptural or architectural artifact for your discussion posting.

Within your response, question the implications of both artifacts, and extend your knowledge by evaluating others’ input.

Discussion Criteria (shown in first Unit - please use throughout the course): You are expected to actively participate in all discussion board forums with a minimum of 1 posting of evidence/experience backed comments and a minimum of 2 postings of replies to learning colleagues’ comments per question. Your initial reply should be posted by 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday to allow for discussion and replies throughout the remainder of the week. All replies (participation) to others must be posted by11:59 p.m. on Sunday. Any comment or reply submitted after these deadlines will not receive credit.

You are strongly encouraged to participate early & frequently and to consider any follow-up questions or summary comments (you may subscribe to the forum in order to stay on top of when people respond or post). Postings are expected to be professional and in standard written English, with correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Be sure to answer the specific question(s) of the discussion thread and follow all directions in the forum. Replies to colleagues’ comments should focus on the content of the question and their reply and not judge or evaluate the quality or content of their response (“You did a great job” or “ That’s a wonderful post!” are not appropriate responses). When citing someone else’s work (readings, articles, websites, etc.) please use APA 6th edition citations and reference listings.

Unit 1.2 Discussion: Exploring

Imagine you are hiking through the French countryside, and you stumble upon an ancient Paleolithic cave, filled with ancient paintings.

Using the Bradshaw Foundation site, select one of the caves to explore. Create an explorer's log describing what you discover; relate the images to what you know about the Stone Age, and summarize how these images illustrate their civilization's ways of life.

Follow Discussion Criteria by replying to at least two other learning colleagues; discussing the differences and similarities of your explorations. Be creative! Include an APA formatted reference to your cave.

Discussion Criteria (shown in first Unit - please use throughout the course): You are expected to actively participate in all discussion board forums with a minimum of 1 posting of evidence/experience backed comments and a minimum of 2 postings of replies to learning colleagues’ comments per question. Your initial reply should be posted by 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday to allow for discussion and replies throughout the remainder of the week. All replies (participation) to others must be posted by11:59 p.m. on Sunday. Any comment or reply submitted after these deadlines will not receive credit.

You are strongly encouraged to participate early & frequently and to consider any follow-up questions or summary comments (you may subscribe to the forum in order to stay on top of when people respond or post). Postings are expected to be professional and in standard written English, with correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Be sure to answer the specific question(s) of the discussion thread and follow all directions in the forum. Replies to colleagues’ comments should focus on the content of the question and their reply and not judge or evaluate the quality or content of their response (“You did a great job” or “ That’s a wonderful post!” are not appropriate responses). When citing someone else’s work (readings, articles, websites, etc.) please use APA 6th edition citations and reference listings.

Unit 2.1 Discussion: Changing Perspective

Everyone recognizes art from Ancient Egypt! It is so recognizable and memorable. The Pyramids at Giza even made an appearance in Despicable Me! For this discussion, reflect on your previous exposure and opinion of Egyptian Art, and explain what you originally thought of it. Then, evaluate the new information learned and illustrate your new ability to interpret this artwork.

Discuss with your learning colleagues how your outlook has changed or perhaps, stayed the same. Follow the discussion criteria set forth in the first Unit.

Unit 2.2 Discussion: Compare and Contrast

Egyptian Art is easily recognizable, due to its extensive use of a canon. In contrast, the images from the Dynasty of Ahkenaten and Nefretiti stray from this tradition of image-making and become a new standard. Compare and contrast the traditional images of Egyptian Art with that of the bust of Queen Nefretiti. Differentiate what was expected from their traditional canon with what was created for this unique team of rulers.

Discuss with your learning colleagues why these pieces may have differed from the traditional pieces.

Unit 3.1 Discussion: Ancient Greek Speculation

The Ancient Greeks had an expertise in creating architectural masterpieces, impressive in execution and stature. Speculate on their building capabilities, and observe how the finished products illustrate their artistic tendencies.

Unit 3.2 Discussion: Ancient Greek Interpretation

The development of life-like sculptures in the Ancient Greek civilization was impressive to say the least! What started as knowledge learned from the Egyptians, developed into a sophisticated skill of turning marble into “life”. After looking at the sculptures from this Age, discuss your interpretation of their beauty, and how that beauty may or may not reflect current interpretations of human beauty.

Unit 4.1 Discussion: Differentiate - Roman Empire v. Ancient Greeks

The art of the Roman Empire has many consistencies with that of the Ancient Greeks, yet so much of its purpose and creation is different. Choose an example from the Romans, and differentiate between the traditional Greek designs and the Roman’s purpose. Focus on the style of the piece, and ask how this artwork reflects the new Empire while preserving past tradition of art.

Unit 4.2 Discussion: Digging Deeper

This Unit on the Ancient Roman Empire is extensive and awe-inspiring, much like the Empire itself in its prime. Take this opportunity to select one element from this Unit to investigate closer. Dig deeper into the history of a specific piece of art or architecture. Have an interest in mythology? Use the sculpture as a medium to explore the mythological stories that fueled the civilization. Curious about the gladiator games? Evaluate the Colosseum, and observe the stories that form the history. Or perhaps you are a history buff, with an interest in war strategies, conquest, and empirical rule. Find something that speaks to you, and share those interests and how the piece you chose impacts your own life.

Do not forget to attach a picture of the art and cite your resources!

Unit 5.1 Discussion: Aesthetic Qualities

It is pretty clear that the artwork of the Early Christians looks vastly different from what we have covered in the first half of this class. What do you think of it? Discuss the aesthetic qualities of this work, and evaluate what it is you like and do not like about it. Believe it or not, this history has had a hand in our present day estimation of beauty.

Unit 5.2 Discussion: Historical Debate

Creating images of Christ was a challenging issue in the Early Christian period. When you see images of Christ; even today, chances are his face is instantly recognizable, for many reasons, that were created in this historical time period. After reviewing the resources on icons, discuss this historical debate. Relate it to any personal knowledge you may have, and pose questions as this is a very tricky issue! Remain respectful of everyone's opinions and try to utilize peer reviewed resources to support your own position.

Unit 6.1 Discussion: Illuminated Manuscripts

Many of the artifacts from this time period are small, portable objects, created with luxurious materials. Most artifacts of this nature are illuminated manuscripts, created with the utmost of care with the best materials available. These books were used to teach the people about the Christian doctrine because most commoners could not read the Bibles themselves. Put yourself in their shoes: after seeing these items, would you be swayed? How do you think these art objects identify Christianity?

Unit 6.2 Discussion: Ottonian Imagery

Ottonian Art has imagery that is a little different than what we have seen so far. Even though it is still images of government leaders and Christian thought, the human features are, let’s face it: a little weird. This new trend in imagery is actually an attempt to create emotion. Is it successful in that respect? What do you think has emotional energy, and what does not?

Unit 7.1 Discussion: Striking Fear via Art

The most common form of decoration outside of the Romanesque Cathedrals was images of the Second Coming of Christ, the proverbial moment when Christ returns to earth, condemns the evil to hell and rewards the good with heaven. These images are scary, meant to strike fear in the commoners to do good. How would you have reacted to these images in this time? Would they scare you into following the Christian path, or do you think this tactic is ineffective? Justify your opinions with examples and personal experiences.

Unit 7.2 Discussion: Evaluation of Romanesque Art

There were many prominent monasteries in the Romanesque period that thrived in their own rights and established a relationship with the masses. Consider these prominent monasteries, discuss their art and cathedrals and how they helped establish Christianity through architecture and illuminated manuscripts. Investigate one specific art example, and use your evaluation to conclude how this item in fact helps to establish this important relationship.

Don't forget to link/cite your specific art example!

Unit 8.1 Discussion: Gothic Grandeur

The elaborate system of creating Gothic Cathedrals exploded over Europe in a matter of 100 years. Considering the new building methods discovered, examine the competitive nature the cities at this time had and discuss how their individual attempts at achieving the greatest cathedral build established a universal quest for grandeur and splendor through Gothic architecture.

Unit 8.2 Discussion: Jewel Box Interiors

The process of creating stained glass windows is a fascinating and delicate art medium. Have you ever seen an artist or craftsperson make hand-blown glass? Did you ever think about where the colors come from, or how these great achievements were assembled and held together? Discuss your interpretation of this process, identify any past experiences with it if any, and consider how this art form created jewel-box interiors in the Gothic Cathedrals

Unit 3 Assignment

As presented on the Course Information page and in Unit 1, you will curate an Art History art exhibition as a course project. The theme of this exhibition will be 'The Evolution of Art'.

For this assignment, you are going to discover the architecture in your community! Take some time to explore your hometown, and take a close look at the architecture of the buildings. Chances are, you will notice that there are still many design elements created by the Ancient Greek that are still used today. Take pictures of the details you find that remind you of the Ancient Greeks, and describe what you see. Try to find 4-6 different images to talk about. It doesn't have to be 4-6 buildings: look for 4-6 details on buildings. Common places where you might find these details are: town halls, banks, churches, even some houses. Present your discoveries in a PowerPoint presentation, complete with titles for the images, and a description for each.

This is due by the end of the day Sunday in Unit 3. If you have questions, please post them to the "Ask the Instructor" forum. Attached is your grading rubric.

This is due by the end of the day Sunday. If you have questions, please post them to the "Ask the Instructor" forum. Attached is your grading rubric.

Week 5 Assignment

As presented on the Course Information page and in Unit 1, you will curate an Art History art exhibition as a final course project. The theme of this exhibition will be 'The Evolution of Art'. You will be able to use this assignment as content in your final presentation.

Take a virtual trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City (Metropolitan Museum of Art: Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History). Navigate their site and search for an artifact from their Early Christian/Byzantine collections. Choose an item (or items if you want to explore more than one!), and write a short essay about it. Observe its traits, identify the origin, and interpret its execution and symbolism in regards to the time’s artistic tendencies and religious trends. Illustrate your knowledge of the art by evaluating an artifact of your liking!

This is due by end of day Sunday. If you should have any questions, please post in the "Ask the Instructor" forum so everyone can benefit! Attached you will the grading criteria for this portion of your course project.

Unit 7 Assignment

The architecture of the Romanesque period had significant influences from the Ancient Romans. Do these Romanesque buildings remind you of anything from the Ancient Roman Unit? Do you see similarities within these buildings that are alike your architectural search of your community in Unit 3? Choose one Romanesque feature of architecture, be it an entire structure or a specific detail from Unit 7 content, and compare/contrast it with one from the Ancient World (using an example from Unit 3 or Unit 4). Interpret how the Romanesque period used the influence from the Ancients to create a new system for Christianity. You will be able to use this assignment as part of your final project.

By this time, you will know this by heart; post any questions you may have to the "Ask the Instructor" forum!

Unit 8 Final Project

Your final assignment is to complete the curation of your online art exhibition that has artwork representing each Unit in chronological order. Using the unit outlines as a guide, organize an image presentation where each of the units is represented (at least two images per Unit). Be creative, and generate an exhibition that represents your personal tastes and what you have discovered throughout the course.

Choose two examples of art and/or architecture from each Unit and search for art online that you can relate to and discuss, based on how you have learned to evaluate the art in each Unit. For each image selected, write a brief appraisal, as if you were a critic. Put the facts and figures aside, and describe your personal reactions to each piece, as if you were visiting a museum with a friend and expressing your reactions based on the knowledge you have acquired.

Accompanying the image presentation, write a final paper linked to the discoveries of your presentation, with appraisals for each Unit as well as a final reflection on what you have learned, including new knowledge or discoveries.

Your rubric and grading criteria are attached. This is worth 35% of your final grade, so please ensure that all aspects are covered. It must be turned in by the end of the day Sunday to receive credit. Our class does end at that time. Pose any question to the "Ask the Instructor" forum.

The final product will include:


Cover slide

Sections based on era

Images/photos of the era (one image per slide)

Brief description of the piece

APA citations covering any needed resources

APA formatted reference slide(s)

Written document

Cover page

Sections linked to presentation slides

Brief appraisal

Personal reaction


Reflection on what you learned; including new knowledge or discoveries

APA formatted reference page(s)

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00626969 Posted By: rey_writer Posted on: 12/16/2017 01:19 PM
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    The solution of art101 full course latest 2017 october (except vocabulary quizzes)...
    art101_full_course_latest_2017_october_(except_vocabulary_quizzes).zip (2443.31 KB)

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