Question # 00000398 Posted By: shortone Updated on: 08/08/2013 05:01 PM Due on: 08/10/2013
Subject Biology Topic General Biology Tutorials:
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Research Paper Assignment

You may choose any disease or syndrome that interests you. Give an accurate description of the anatomy of the organ(s)/organ system this disease effects. If there are any changes in anatomical structure between disease and non-diseased patients please describe these differences clearly. This should include both gross and histological changes.

Describe the normal and diseased physiology. Physiological descriptions should included names of key players involved (receptors, primary and/or secondary messengers) and the consequence of these signal transduction pathways. That is, detail the molecular and genetic aspects of the disease as well and compare to its non-diseased state.

Describe factors (risks) that would lead to this disease, consequences of the disease (ie. patient outcome and burden of disease) and any preventative measure of action in decreasing its risk in the general population.

This assignment is worth 50 points of your total grade. Use standard APA formatting.The paper does not need a title page.Place the title of your paper with your name below the title on the top, centered, of your first page. The written paper should be 2-3 pages, references, figures and tables not included. Tables, figures or other diagrams should follow after the reference section. Use appropriate titles (Table 1, Figure 1) for each diagram you use and place where appropriate within the text.

“It's far more important to know what person the disease has than what disease the person has”
- Hippocrates

"The factors which enable us to distinguish between diseases are as follows: First we must consider the nature of man in general, and of each individual, and the characteristics of each disease. Then we must consider the patient, what food is given to him and who gives it - for this may take it easier for him to take or more difficult - the conditions of climate and locality both in general and in particular, the patient's customs, mode of life, pursuits and age. Then we must consider his speech, his mannerisms, his silences, his thoughts, his habits of sleep or wakefulness and his dreams, their nature and time."

- Hippocrates

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00000292 Posted By: spqr Posted on: 08/08/2013 05:02 PM
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    The solution of Understanding Lung Cancer and its outcomes...
    Understanding_Lung_Cancer_and_its_outcomes.docx (27.72 KB)

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