ABC Corporation is unleveled and is valued at $640,000

Question # 00004871 Posted By: expert-mustang Updated on: 12/07/2013 01:20 PM Due on: 12/07/2013
Subject Accounting Topic Accounting Tutorials:
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assume you are in a perfect market. ABC Corporation is unleveled and is valued at $640,000. ABC is currently deciding whether including debt in their capital structure would increase their value. ABC would repurchase $300,000 of stock with the proceeds of the debt issue. There are currently 32000 shares outstanding and their effective marginal tax bracket is zero. What will the firm value be after the change? And what will the share price be and how many shares will be outstanding after the change?
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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00004665 Posted By: expert-mustang Posted on: 12/07/2013 01:21 PM
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    The solution of ABC Corporation is unleveled and is valued at $640,000...
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