A closed system consists of an ideal gas with

Question # 00422037 Posted By: kimwood Updated on: 11/11/2016 05:38 AM Due on: 11/11/2016
Subject Physics Topic Astrophysics Tutorials:
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A closed system consists of an ideal gas with constant specific heat ratio ?.

a. The gas undergoes a process in which temperature increases from T1 to T2. Show that theentropy change for the process is greater if the change in state occurs at constant pressurethan if it occurs at constant volume. Sketch the processes on P-v and T-s coordinates.

b. The gas undergoes a process in which pressure increases from P1 to P2. Show that the ratio ofthe entropy change for an isothermal process to the entropy change for a constant-volumeprocess is (1- ?). Sketch the processes on P-v and T-s coordinates.

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