A barium sulfate swallow is used clinically

Question # 00409769 Posted By: kimwood Updated on: 10/20/2016 06:14 AM Due on: 10/20/2016
Subject Physics Topic Astrophysics Tutorials:
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A barium sulfate swallow is used clinically as a radio-contrast agent for X-ray imaging of the gastrointestinal tract.(a) Calculate the mass attenuation coefficient of a barium sulfate in water solution at concentration of 10 g/100 ml for 50 keV X-rays.

b)Using a highly simplified model of a persons 4 cm diameter intestine in a 25 cm thick torso of adipose tissue, what is the contrast between the intestine and surrounding tissue when the intestine is filled with just water, and then what is the contrast when filled with the barium sulfate swallow calculated from part (a)?

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  1. Tutorial # 00405113 Posted By: kimwood Posted on: 10/20/2016 06:14 AM
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